UX Tips: Providing Value to Patients to Improve User Experience

Andrew Kucheriavy

UX Tips: Providing Value to Patients to Improve User Experience

As part of our focus on digital patient centricity, every month we're publishing tips that can lead to a remarkable improvement in digital patient experience.

The topics for each sets of tips are based on the Digital Experience Scale for Patients (DES/P) — a framework created to quantify and measure the effectiveness of a digital experience, whether it is a website, an app, or a portal.

As we conducted interviews and user testing with a diverse group of patients, three central themes emerged that are pivotal to providing a patient-centered experience: Value, Simplicity, and Connectivity. Each month this year, we are publishing tips focused on the 12 criteria organized in these three categories.

Value: Proposition

Patients emphasized the importance of understanding the value proposition of the digital product or program. They seek tangible benefits and outcomes that directly contribute to their well-being. Transparent and empathetic communication about the advantages and impact of these offerings plays a pivotal role in engaging patients and fostering their participation.


UX Tips for providing added value to patients

  1. Give patients the information they seek and make it easy to accomplish tasks that they want to complete. Don’t guess — find out exactly what patients want in interviews and user testing.

    Providing patients with the exact information they are searching for significantly enhances their digital experience. However, understanding what patients truly need requires more than assumption. Engaging with them through interviews and user testing is essential. This direct interaction allows for a deeper insight into the patients' desires, questions, and the tasks they find most challenging.

    The feedback obtained can then be used to streamline processes, ensuring that the most sought-after information is easily accessible and tasks can be completed effortlessly. This approach not only improves satisfaction but also builds trust and encourages repeated engagement with the digital platform.

  2. Summarize the value in a clear and concise Value Proposition statement right on the homepage.

    The value proposition is a pivotal element that communicates the benefits of a service or product succinctly. It should be prominently displayed on the homepage to immediately convey to patients how they will benefit from using the service. 

    A compelling value proposition uses patient-centered language. It is clear, concise, and speaks directly to the patient's needs and concerns. It should articulate what makes the service unique and how it stands out from other options available, assuring patients that their needs are understood and can be met effectively.

  3. Focus on the real problem or pain point you are solving and the positive outcome that patients can expect.

    A successful digital patient experience hinges on the service’s ability to solve real-world problems or alleviate pain points. The focus should not merely be on the features of the service but on the benefits and positive outcomes that patients will experience. 

    Whether it's improving health outcomes, simplifying the management of a treatment regimen, or providing peace of mind through better health information, the goal is to make the patient's life better or easier in a tangible way. Highlighting these positive outcomes helps patients to understand the practical impact of the service on their daily lives.

  4. Identify areas where you can help save patients’ time and avoid making mistakes or doing unnecessary work.

    Time is a precious commodity for patients, especially when it pertains to health-related matters. Digital experiences that help save time and minimize errors are highly valued. This could involve streamlining appointment booking processes, simplifying prescription refills, or providing clear, step-by-step instructions for medical procedures. 

    By identifying and addressing areas where patients may waste time or encounter potential errors, digital services can significantly improve the overall healthcare experience. Moreover, removing obstacles and streamlining processes can lead to better health management and fewer complications.

  5. Test with real patients and optimize the usefulness of the experience, not just the usability of the experience.

    While usability is an important aspect of any digital experience, the ultimate goal is to ensure the service is genuinely useful to the patient. Testing the digital experience with real patients allows the stakeholders to understand how the service works in real life. This involves an iterative process of testing, gathering feedback, and refining the experience. Optimization should focus on the value the service adds to the patient's life, ensuring that each feature contributes to a meaningful and positive healthcare journey.

Enhancing the patient user experience in healthcare transcends mere convenience. By making digital health interfaces universally accessible, regardless of age, health status, or levels of digital and health literacy, we can foster health equity and inclusion. This approach plays a crucial role in reducing health disparities across various population groups, ensuring that everyone has equal access to digital health resources.

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