2024: The Year of Digital Patient Centricity

Andrew Kucheriavy

2024: The Year of Digital Patient Centricity

We've declared 2024 as the year of digital patient-centricity. Drawing on over two decades of healthcare UX expertise, we understand that patient-centricity is not merely a slogan but a transformative odyssey.


Those of us who have dedicated our careers to healthcare UX must remember our role as the patients' champions, ensuring that what healthcare organizations deliver digitally can mean the difference between accessing vital therapies or missing critical care. It's a stark divergence that can affect health outcomes and, quite literally, save lives. It's our responsibility to bridge this gap.

The path won't be without its challenges. Yet, together, we have the potential to drive positive change in the industry. With knowledge as our foundation, built on thorough research, we have the collective power to steer the direction of healthcare UX. By offering research-backed insights to those in positions of influence, we can advocate for regulations that are both modern and truly patient-focused. 


Sharing insights: UX strategies for enhancing digital patient centricity

Through our interactions that included patient interviews and user testing, patients have voiced their digital expectations, and we're translating these insights into a series of actionable monthly UX tips. These tips are designed to significantly uplift the digital patient experience, making the pursuit of digital patient centricity clearer and more attainable each month.

See the first post in the series: UX Tips for Providing Value to Patients to Improve Digital User Experience

These recommendations draw upon the Digital Experience Scale for Patients (DES/P), a specialized framework we developed for assessing the impact of digital platforms. The DES/P framework is based on interviews with over 200 patients and 50 providers across six therapy areas over the course of five years as well as on user testing of over 3,000 digital user experiences in healthcare.  

The results of the interviews and user testing ultimately boiled down to three key themes—Value, Simplicity, and Connectivity—that are vital to a patient-oriented digital experience:  

  • Value: Patients emphasized the importance of understanding the value proposition of the digital product or program. They seek tangible benefits and outcomes that directly contribute to their well-being. Transparent and empathetic communication about the advantages and impact of these offerings plays a pivotal role in engaging patients, fostering trust, and ensuring their participation.
  • Simplicity: Simplicity emerged as a core requirement for patients. The digital products and interfaces should be intuitive and easy to navigate and understand, ensuring that patients can effortlessly access the resources and services they need. By eliminating complexity, simplifying the language, and reducing cognitive load, healthcare technology can empower patients to take charge of their health without feeling overwhelmed and giving up.
  • Connectivity: Patients expressed the need for a connected and consistent experience across various services provided by a brand or organization. Fragmented experiences and disjointed interactions can cause frustration and hinder engagement. Establishing seamless connectivity and ensuring that different components of a support program or digital product work together harmoniously and offer further support fosters engagement and enhances the overall user experience.

Aligned with these themes, we'll share 12 distinct tips throughout the year, each underpinning these essential principles.

Enhancing the patients' digital experience goes far beyond convenience convenience

It's about ensuring that digital health solutions are universally accessible, catering to all ages, health conditions, and levels of digital and health literacy. Such inclusivity is the cornerstone of health equity, helping to reduce the health disparities that exist among various demographics.

By focusing on the needs and preferences of patients, we craft digital experiences that not only empower them and promote consistent engagement with their treatments but also positively impact their health and quality of life. Through collective action and unwavering dedication to a patient-first philosophy, we're setting the stage for an era where technology seamlessly integrates with patient care, catalyzing a healthcare revolution. 

Also see: Digital Patient Experience: Tips for Providing Empathetic Patient UX