30 Creative Website Examples of CSS Animation

Dmitry Andrejev

30 Creative Website Examples of CSS Animation

Hooray for CSS! Among the list of 2014 web trends to look out for was CSS. Mozilla states "CSS animations make it possible to animate transitions from one CSS style configuration to another. Animations consist of two components, a style describing the CSS animation and a set of keyframes that indicate the start and end states of the animation's style, as well as possible intermediate waypoints along the way." Before CSS, animation used to be limited to hover effects but now thanks to CSS, web developers do not need Flash anymore in order to create web based animations! CSS now animates without using Silverlight, Flash or After Effects. Check out the list of websites we've gathered for you that are great examples of just what CSS is now capable of.

1. Publicis90


2. Year in Music

Year in Music

3. Chekhov Is Alive

Chekhov Is Alive

4. Greenwood Campbell

Greenwood Campbell

5. RollPark


6. Al Erkyah City

Al Erkyah City

7. Angry Birds Space

8. Aquest Web Factory

9. Social Media for Businesses



12. CCR - 10 Anos de IPO

13. Virtual Worlds to Real World Comparison

14. Digitz

15. Styiens

16. Pete Nottage

17. Soleil Noir 2012

18. Colorplan

19. Anna Safroncik

20. Shoppub

21. Ustream

22. Lets Yep!

23. Namale - Joyaux Uniques

24. Dataveyes

25. CreativeMob

26. BrightMedia

27. Rally Interactive

28. GlossyRey

29. MediaParker

30. Jean-Christophe Suzanne