How to Create a Stellar Domain Name for Your Business Website

Danielle Kogan

How to Create a Stellar Domain Name for Your Business Website

Choosing and finding the right domain name for your business is one of the keys to online success. It’s necessary for you to pick a name that’s appealing, easy to remember, and most importantly, available.  Settling for a less than stellar domain name may deem your website useless. This is the common mistake of business owners and moguls who invest on the look and content of their websites but fail to devote time and effort on picking or choosing the perfect domain names. What they didn’t know is that a good domain name can help online users and other potential customers to easily remember and find your website. In addition to that, it offers you better branding and can even boost your search engine rankings, which is vital if you want to be successful in the World Wide Web. If you want to properly establish your business identity online, then you must begin with finding a stellar domain name for your company. Here are some tips to help you choose a stellar domain name for your business.

1. Consider Your Business Name

If you’re not the creative type and you already have a stellar business name, why not get a domain name that completely matches your business name? This makes decision making easier for you too. The chances of potential customers to start their search with your business name or product name is actually very high. Adding .com after your business name is actually the first thing they might do if they want to search for your company online. Manilla, an organizing website, used its unique business name as its domain name.

2. .COM or Nothing at All

As mentioned above, online users are used to adding .com after business or product names that they won’t really try using .biz, .net, .info and other dot something. Stick with what’s familiar and use .com for your domain name. Unusual domain extensions like .net and .biz will hinder potential customers or online users from remembering you or even finding you. 

3. Brevity is Best

Keep your domain name short and sweet. People appreciate shorter names, they are just easier and faster to remember and type. Moreover, longer names can bring more typing errors. 

4. Wrong Spelling Wrong

Try to use proper spelling and grammar when creating your domain name. Some people get overly creative and play with the spelling of their name.  Wrong move! They add unnecessary letters and interchange S with X or Z.  This may be cute for some but if you’re a serious businessman and wants people to take you seriously, let go of the cutesy and playful spellings. Potential customers might get frustrated just trying to figure out the correct spelling. You can be creative and playful without compromising the spelling. combined three simple words and created a catchy and easy to remember url.

5. Spend On It

Use your money wisely and invest on a good domain name. A really cool and catchy domain name may cost more than others. Think! If you have already spent a huge amount for the development of your website, why not get your money’s worth and get people to visit your fabulous website with a stellar domain name. After all, it’s not like we’re talking of millions and millions of dollars here. A few hundred bucks can actually get you the best suitable domain name for your business.

6. Forget Hyphens

Stick with letters and numbers and forget hyphens, dashes, and other typing characters.  These simply add confusion.

7. Say It Out Loud

Practice saying it. Pronounce the name and see if sounds good. If it’s easy and smooth to utter, people will surely remember it. If it doesn’t sound right and is hard to pronounce, it most likely will fail as a domain name.

8. Study and Brainstorm

To help you in deciding and choosing the perfect domain name for your business, go and brainstorm possible names. Ask the opinion of family and friends and find out which are catchier and which are not. It’s also best to have backup names just in case your number one choice is not available anymore. By drafting a list of the good names and erasing all those confusing and crazy ideas, you’d surely come up with a unique yet outstanding name for your business website. What are some of your favorite domain names? Let us know in the comments below! Free UX Session   Improve your website’s KPIs and ROI  Eliminate guesswork and achieve tangible customer acquisition, conversion, and  retention results.  IMROVE YOUR WEBSITE