Good design considers users; how they feel, how they think, and how they make decisions. Enter: User Experience (UX) Design. UX Design is vital for creating meaningful, impactful user experiences that turn users into lifelong customers. Still not convinced? We’ve put together a compilation of 100 inspiring, tweetable quotes from some of our favorite influencers and experts in the UX community- even including some from before the term “UX” had been coined. Are we missing any of your favorites? Let us know in the comments!
1. Most business models have focused on self interest instead of user experience. – Tim Cook
2. Clarity trumps consistency. – Steve Krug
3. One accurate measurement is worth more than a thousand expert opinions. – Grace Hopper
4. One should aim not at being possible to understand, but at being impossible to misunderstand. – Quintilian
5. Choose the right purpose; people will be attracted, motivated, & unified. – Robert Wong
6. If there’s a ‘trick’ to it, the UI is broken. – Douglas Anderson
7. Don't be a complainer; make things better, let it go, or take action to make it better. – Tina Roth Eisenberg
8. Culture, leadership & employee engagement are the essentials for great customer experience. – Steve Cannon
9. We need to stop worrying about proving the value of design & just focus on outcomes that provide value. – Denis Weil
10. A single-pixel display doesn't have to be single-function. – Josh Clark
11. Photoshop is the most effective way to show your clients what their website will never look like. – Stephen Hay
12. Good UX is good business. – Andrew Kucheriavy
13. You can find more problems in half a day than you can fix in a month. – Steve Krug
14. By solving our own most difficult problems, we're potentially creating immense value for everyone else. – Jason Amunwa
15. When there's a balance between functionality & emotion, the two amplify each other. – Mike Matas
16. As far as the customer is concerned, the interface is the product. – Jef Raskin
17. As a programmer you read more code than you write. Keep it readable, commented, consistent & explicit. – Sindre Sorhus
18. Ease of use may be invisible, but its absence sure isn’t. – IBM
19. We tend to be distracted by the voices in our own heads telling us what the design should look like. – Michael Bierut
20. You're designing a product for people, & it doesn't matter if it's on Android or iPhone. – Joey Flynn
21. Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple. – C.W. Ceram
22. You can't get what you want without giving your customers what they want. – Andrew Kucheriavy
23. Mobile does not reward feature richness. – Fred Wilson
24. Good design is about process, not product. – Jared Sinclair
25. Simple sells, simple is usable, & simple scales. – Rand Fishkin
26. Speak Human. Feedback is for human beings, so address them as such. Use the words your users use. – Dan Saffer
27. "Markigation" happens when marketing meets navigation. Bad idea. – Lynn Pausic
28. I get very uncomfortable when someone makes a design decision without customer contact. – Dan Ritzenthaler
29. Testing with one user early in the project is better than testing with 50 near the end. – Steve Krug
30. Asking users to adopt new behaviors or even modify their existing behaviors is very, very hard. – Khoi Vinh
31. Usability does not equate to a specific number of clicks, taps, swipes, pinches, flicks. – John Morkes
32. Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple. – Albert Einstein
33. Your app might be a technological marvel, but don’t forget that it’s people who need to interact with it. – UXPin
34. Make every detail perfect & limit the number of details to perfect. – Jack Dorsey
35. To be a great designer, you need to look a little deeper into how people think & act. – Paul Boag
36. You’ve got to start with the customer experience & work backwards to the technology. – Steve Jobs
37. Usability testing is the killing field of cherished notions. – David Orr
38. Our websites are fluid, so our processes & workflows need to match. – Brad Frost
39. When fixing problems, always do the least you can. – Steve Krug
40. No matter how cool your interface, it would be better if there were less of it. – Alan Cooper
41. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. – Bill Gates
42. Go for the better user experience every time. – Rand Fishkin
43. The most common user action on a Web site is to flee. – Edward Tufte
44. UI is the saddle, the stirrups, & the reigns. UX is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse. – Dain Miller
45. Spend as much time on copy as you do on visuals. – John Zeratsky
46. One bad experience & poof, customers are history. Sure, you can replace them, but at 5x the cost. – Pavvo Hanninen
47. People ignore design that ignores people. – Frank Chimero
48. Anything we can do to make things simpler & more transparent is a plus. – Cap Watkins
49. We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are. – The Talmud
50. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated. – Paul Rand
51. The best products don’t focus on features, they focus on clarity. – Jon Bolt
52. The next big thing is the one that makes the last big thing usable. – Blake Ross
53. One problem with conventions: designers are reluctant to take advantage of them. – Steve Krug
54. Thinking about design is hard, but not thinking about it can be disastrous. – Ralph Caplan
55. Good design is a lot like clear thinking made visual. – Edward Tufte
56. A beautiful product that doesn’t work very well is ugly. – Jony Ive
57. Structure first. Content always. – Mark Boulton
58. Very often design is the most immediate way of defining what products become in people's minds. – Jony Ive
59. Visual design is about problem-solving, not about personal preference or unsupported opinion. – Bob Baxley
60. If it is both necessary & useful, don’t hesitate to make it beautiful. – Joshua Porter
61. The way to earn consumer loyalty & competitive advantage is to deliver the most satisfying experience. – Curt Collinsworth
62. Usability answers the question, "Can the user accomplish their goal?" – Dr. Joyce Lee
63. Supposing is good, but finding out is better. – Mark Twain
64. Instructions must die. – Steve Krug
65. You're almost always wrong about your users. – Manik Rathee
66. We live in a world where engagement with your consumer is critical. The one-to-many paradigm is gone. – iProspect
67. The information is in the people, not in your head. – Edward T. Hall
68. Usefulness is the top barrier to user adoption by expert users. – John Morkes
69. Your old website is the best prototype of your new site. – Hoa Loranger
70. If a picture is worth 1000 words, a prototype is worth 1000 meetings. – The Kelley Brothers
71. The attributes that make certain products engaging also make them potentially addictive. – Nir Eyal
72. Omit needless words. – Steve Krug
73. Good UI design gives users a sense of power that consistently helps them feel in control. – Jim Nielsen
74. Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious & adding the meaningful. – John Maeda
75. It takes no skills to make something crappy. Skills are only required to make something great. – Jared Spool
76. Customers know what’s wrong. They can’t tell you what they want, but they can tell you what’s wrong. – Carly Fiorina
77. To design an easy-to-use interface, pay attention to what users do, not what they say. – Jakob Nielsen
78. Focus unswervingly on the customer. – Jesse Hertzberg
79. When creating content, be empathetic above all else. Try to live the lives of your audience. – Rand Fishkin
80. Design is about 3 dimensions & the 5 senses. – Danielle Sacks
81. Designers shooting for usable is like a chef shooting for edible. – Aarron Walter
82. If you think responsive is simple, I feel bad for you son. We got 99 viewports but the iPhone's just 1. – Josh Brewer
83. Design for spread and scale. – Denise Gershbein
84. If your business isn't mobile-friendly, your business is dead. – Jonathan Stark
85. The trouble with so many of us is that we underestimate the power of simplicity. – Robert Stuberg
86. Rule of thumb for UX: More options, more problems. – Scott Belsky
87. Innovate when you know you have a better idea, stick to conventions when you don't. – Steve Krug
88. Want your users to fall in love with your designs? Fall in love with your users. – Dana Chisnell
89. “Does it better” will always beat “did it first.” – Aaron Levie
90. Empathy is important to understanding users holistically. – Shlomo Goltz
91. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci
92. The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. – Hans Hofmann
93. Websites that are hard to use frustrate customers, forfeit revenue & erode brands. – Forrester Research
94. Design based on data brings us back to its essence & will leave out all unnecessary decoration. – Jeanne De Bont
95. Design is not art. It is about crafting solutions to real issues. – Mark Boulton
96. Your products run for election every day and good design is critical to winning the campaign. – A.G. Lafley
97. It's about catching customers in the act, & providing highly relevant & highly contextual information. – Paul Maritz
98. Innovation is often the product of constraint. – Todd Waterbury
99. Happy talk must die. – Steve Krug
100. Design should never say, ‘Look at me.’ It should always say, ‘Look at this.' – David Craib